XDA Orbit-Forum

Software (Windows Mobile) => Allgemeine Software => Topic started by: Uncle_CM on April 29, 2009, 20:50:20

Title: WM5torage in neuer Version
Post by: Uncle_CM on April 29, 2009, 20:50:20
Da es ja scheinbar Probleme mit WM5torage und dem Orbit 2 gibt, dacht ich mir ich poste mal die "News" ... Heute trudelte die Version 1.9 ein

Version 1.9
- added the "two-way" mode
- proper support for device icon and description in the File Explorer. So device will not be just generic "Removable Drive (F:)". It will have proper description and even big Vista icon (if your device is modern enough to expose custom sync icon artwork).
- bug fixes, in particular fix for invisible checkmarks in the Troubleshooting menu


Vllt funktionierts ja damit :) Kanns aber nit testen ;)